Friday, December 31, 2010



In the book “I am that” by Sri Nisargadatta  page 124 we are encouraged to use the mind as the body handles its natural functions ie digestion and heartbeat. If we can treat the mind like a clear, stainless mirror and let it handle its affairs unobstructedly we can go beyond the mind.

First purify the mind. I have problems purifying my mind so I put it aside whenever I feel mental activity is suffocating me. I gently dim the lights of the mental activity and lowering the volumn of the inner-dialog even slowing down the thoughts so deliberately it becomes distortedly funny. Like a sound trailing off to infinity.

What has attitude got to do with my mind? Attitude is a subset of the mind. Give the mind limitless space and boundless freedom and you will have infinite possibilities for your attitude.

With lots of room to move and infinite freedom in your mind – attitude I become aware and mindful of the useful and helpful attitudes for me and others. I am not worried about the states of affair of others nor the world – only mine. In transforming my point of view, I change my way of looking at my world.

When I look at the world through a clear, transformed view/perspective (useful and helpful) I take ownership for everything I do. I blame no one but myself gently guiding myself back to useful, peaceful solutions I can practically take step by baby step.

You see it’s never about you and the world. It is always between you and you. Mother Teresa bless her soul is truly one altruistic being who gives and gives. Why? Because there is no because. She gives. Period. If you really have to know why then here is what she says “Give kindness because it never between you and them – its always between you and God (and for the atheists) or between you and yourself.

Kindness is a practice for yourself. Attitude is a practice only oneself can create, steer and manoeuvre. Start small and start only in the direction to create inner peace and restful, blissful states of the mind. For your own inner joy and peace.

Take for example, driving. The more rushed and faster you drive the more you agitate yourself. As soon as you notice this behaviour you catch it … ease it off by breathing, slowing down. Then see how attention to this attitude brings immediate remedy to correct yourself to a calmer more helpful state of mind.

Attitude is constantly mindful of one’s behaviour. I can choose every moment of every instance of my life. Firstly, I must be alert and awake (enough sleep, not tired … etc) to choose. This choice I do in meditation. I choose to free myself slowly of all hindering and obstructive states of mind. Better still, leave the my mind and pick up my heart. Or leave my mind alone and realise that I am not my mind and at any time of the day, eyes closed or open I can detach myself from my mind, from my perception of myself and others and of the world. This way mind as the big illusion becomes very relevant and I choose to wake up from my dream anytime I catch myself dreaming or imagining things good or bad. My life becomes a laboratory of trial and error until I see myself useful, helpful to myself and then sharing it with others naturally.

Attitude to pain. In the present moment, all pains (especially pain in dying) are intensities. The degree of intensity or sensation depends upon how alert and conscious you are as a whole – as a whole in your bigger or higher self. In the present moment you can choose calm abiding (mental equanimity) and choose enjoyment in bliss and choose the positive aspects of your mental states for your own ongoing cheerful mood. Attitude is choice, moment by moment, tactful manoeuvring of restful, helpful and useful states of mind. If it’s too hard, then use your heart. If it’s still too hard, then just use presence and just be here right here and now. Just watch, witness and give attention but don’t exaggerate painful, hurtful situations. They will go soon enough and each time they leave, their grips on you will be looser and looser.

If you know how to make yourself happy and peaceful without drugs or alcohol and without hurting yourself or others you are facing the right direction. Hobbies, time alone is a start to personal rejuvenation. They all add to space and personal freedom but they come and go.

If you can bring that state of calmness with you wherever you go your attitude will improve for the better as you feel ever restful and ever calm to deal with the most difficult of circumstances. You will have a new attitude each and every time you choose to live in full awareness and alertness moment to moment in the now. Please try. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. It’s free to try. Like fresh air.